I have had some amazing bosses in my career. Each one taught me something important.
One of my former leaders incited fear in most people. They reacted to his habit of chewing pens and raising his voice. They were anxious about the probing questions he would surprise them with.
I never felt that way. Sure, I took great care to anticipate his questions and be well prepared. I learned to recognize the pen-chewing as deep thinking. I probably would have cried if he raised his voice to me.
But he never did…because I never tried to B.S. him. If I did not know, I admitted I did not know. If I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN, I never made excuses and tried harder next time. I learned from my errors and took advantage of the knowledge he shared with me.
As a result, he respected me. And I had nothing to fear. And I was rewarded with increasing opportunity.
And those that did try to B.S. him – he could smell that from a mile away and they were right to be afraid.
Agree or no?
Here's the entire list of lessons that ring true for me: